forest official continued to say that the 6017 square kilometre Sundarbans has
the highest tiger density in the world . This forest has 450 tigers. Tigers are
now found in only 13 countries around the world - Bangladesh, India, Burma,
Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Laos, Bhutan, Nepal and Russia. These countries
are called 'Tiger Range Countries (TRC)' and have started to work together to
save tigers. Bangladesh, along with other countries in the world 29th
july, 2012 is commemorating the 'World Tiger Day' with the slogan "Save
endangered tigers, save the Sundarbans". Tigers are the national animal of
the country .
Forest and environment
minister,forest dept,world bank,telecome company Banglalink and world life
trust of Bangladesh Bangladesh have jointly organised various programmes to
mark the day, including rallies, conferences and photography exhibitions in
Dhaka, Khulna and Shatkhira district head quarters.