U.S Census Bureau assumes that India would be the most populated country within 2050. And U.S remains the same position i/e. third position with a population of 423 million. And it is also assume that birth rate decline in two country name Japan and Russia. Present there position in ninth and tenth. And they achieve in 2050 in sixteen and seventeen position.
The findings are the result of population estimates and projections of 228 countries compiled by the Census Bureau's International Data Base.
Decline the fertility in some developed countries, such as China. And Spain and Italy are "on an up tick.
The two countries on track to make the biggest population gains are Nigeria and Ethiopia. Nigeria currently boasts 166 million people, but by 2050 its population is expected to jump to 402 million. Ethiopia's population will likely triple, from 91 million to 278 million, making the East African nation one of the top 10 most populous countries in the world for the first time. In fact, according to the U.N. Population Division, although only 18% of the world's population lives in so-called high-fertility countries most of those countries are in Africa.
Perhaps the most unfortunate change is the one happening in Russia. The cold, vast country has been undergoing steady depopulation since 1992, and the U.S. Census Bureau expects it to decline further, from 139 million people to 109 million by 2050. That's a 21% drop, even more than what the country suffered during World War II. Like many countries, Russia is experiencing declining birth rates, but it's also suffering from a relatively low life expectancy. According to the World Health Organization, Russian men have a life expectancy of just 62 years, a fact that is often attributed to the country's high rate of alcoholism and poor diet.
While the U.S. appears relatively stable it's the only country in the top 10 whose ranking is not expected to change in the next 40 years.